“The Ground Trembled Under Our Feet”

Brothers of Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1,

Our Camp represented the Union again this year at the annual ceremonies at Bentonville Battlefield, NC on the 19th and 20th of March, between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.

“The Ground Trembled Under Our Feet” 
Our displays included; ancestor's letters, diaries, swords and documents of service, SUVCW and GAR medals, family Civil War artifacts, SUVCW and Ruger Camp information, references used and documentation retrieved in tracing a Civil War ancestors, recruiting table, and other miscellaneous items.

We enjoyed interfacing with the public and found that spending a few hours at our information tent to be very interesting, rewarding, and an opportunity to get to know your fellow Brothers.

If in you are willing to assist for a partial day, an entire day, or both days, please volunteer for future participation.

The following Brothers were Present:
Max Speers
Ed Gibson
Doug Elwell 
Jim Johnson
Frank Newhouse 
John France

Additional photos can be found on our Facebook Page: Ruger Camp #1 Facebook

Thank you for your Support.

In F, C, & L

Brother John France
Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War