20th Anniversary Celebration

Twenty Years of Growth

Brothers from Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 gathered at Chris’s Open Hearth Steak House to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the first camp established in North Carolina for Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War...
Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1.

Ruger Camp #1 became a Camp-at-Large on September 16, 1995. The first SUVCW Camp in North Carolina. This initial camp was the seed that subsequently grew into the SUVCW Department of North Carolina. The Department continued the growth and ultimately reached a total of five individual camps as a result of the initiative of the Brothers of Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1.

Anniversary Party:
Several Ruger Camp #1 Brothers, and their wives, attended the celebration. Department Commander Dennis St. Andrew joined with other Brothers of Ruger Camp #1 along Ruger Camp #1 Charter member and Council Member Douglas Elwell who officiated the evening's activities. 

The evening began with beverages, a fine meal, good conversation, the sharing of stories from the past 20 years but mostly the enjoyment of fraternal fellowship.

Ruger Camp #1 Brothers and Wives

Ruger Camp #1 Brothers and Wives

Letters of congratulations and well wishes were read by Brothers Dennis St. Andrew and Douglas Elwell during the evening's festivities. 

Brother Doug Elwell, read a letter of well wishes from Brother Dr. Maurice Ankrom, PCC. 
Brother Maurice was the original camp organizer and the first Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, Camp Commander.

Council Member and Charter Member
Douglas Elwell

Department Commander, Dennis St. Andrew PDC, shared a congratulatory letter from
 National Commander in Chief, Eugene G. Mortorff PDC.

Department Commander
Dennis St. Andrew

Toasts were made honoring many Camp Brothers for their service to the SUVCW. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Brother Richard Bishop’s wife Jean who was celebrating her birthday that evening. Brother Jim Johnson's wife Carol pinned a Birthday corsage on Jean's jacket when she entered the dining room. Brother Doug Elwell handed out commemorative twenty year lapel pins with ribbons to everyone. 

Door prizes donated by the Commanders; St. Andrew, Speers and Council Member Elwell were awarded to lucky individuals following dinner. Everyone received home made cookies as take home dessert provided by Shirley Elwell.

Brother Jim
Brother Dick
Brother Doc

Brother Edward
Brother Wendell

Jean Bishop

A sincere thank you goes to Council Member Brother Douglas Elwell and his wife Shirley, for organizing this special celebration of 20 years of Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.

“Worthy Brothers” as Charter Members: 
Maurice Ankrom, William Davis, Roger Dostall, Eugene Mulhall, Charles Benrud, John Anthony, Herbert Birdsall, William Dartt, James Davis, Douglas Elwell, Harry Goodman, George Hale, Anthony Koehler, Kent McCoury, Yale Mooers, Myron Murley III, Michael Palmer, Steven Pirotte, Roscoe Reeve, Dallas Rightmyer, Thomas Rightmyer, Nathan Russell, Alonza Salter, Stephen Sayko, and Frederick Willshaw.

SUVCW 2015 National Encampment

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
2015 National Encampment

The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 2015 National Encampment was held at Richmond, Virginia on August 20 through 22rd this year. The Department of the Chesapeake hosted the event.

On Thursday August 20th, the Department of the Chesapeake arranged for local National Battlefield Park tours for those who wished to participate.

National Park Service Battlefield Parks

Petersburg Battlefield http://www.nps.gov/pete/index.htm

Business Meetings

The National Encampment business began in earnest, Friday the 21st through Saturday the 22nd.

Total membership in attendance during those meetings were 173 members, including Brothers from the Department of North Carolina, North Carolina Union Volunteers Camp #5 and Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1.

Attending from the Department of North Carolina

Left to Right
Department Junior Vice Commander; Camp Commander  Rolf Cole Maris, PCC N.C. Union Volunteers Camp #5
Department Senior Vice Commander; William Fred Fulcher, PCC N.C. Union Volunteers Camp #5
SUVCW Commander-in-Chief; Tad D. Campbell
Department Commander; Dennis Charles St. Andrew, PDC, PCC Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1
Department Council Member; Douglas P. Elwell, PDC, PCC Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1
Delegate; Jim Johnson, Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1

Results of Newly Elected 2016 National Officers

Following the closed session voting,  the Elected 2016 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War National Officers:

  • Commander–in-Chief; Gene Mortorff
  • Senior Vice Commander–in-Chief; Don Martin
  • Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief; Mark Day
  • Council of Administration Members; Don Shaw and John McNaulty

Social Activities

Throughout the Encampment, along with participating in the Business Sessions, members of the Department of North Carolina attended; the Campfire, Courtesy Hour, SVR Breakfast and Allied Orders Banquet  to name a few of the additional activities.

SVR Gathering


The Campfire is held in a more casual and relaxed atmosphereDuring the Campfire, individual Departments had an opportunity to present the outgoing Commander-in-Chief Tad Campbell with gifts of remembrance for his year of service. Many gifts are humorous; some more sentimental in nature.

Of special interest was the Department of North Carolina's entrance during the Campfire session on Friday night. 

The Department of North Carolina helped to liven up the festivities when Brother Douglas Elwell, PDC began marching down the aisle dressed in his 79th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment uniform, also known as the 79th Highlanders. Brother Doug played “Scotland the Brave" on the bagpipes while we fell in to step.

The rest of the North Carolina delegation followed down the aisle bearing gifts of appreciation for Commander-in-Chief Tad Campbell. The whole room was filled with cheers and rhythmic clapping as Brother Doug and the Department walked the aisle, before and after the presentation to the Command-in-Chief. 

Department Commander, Dennis Charles St. Andrew presented the Campbell family with gifts of our appreciation.

Complements were heard the following day about how original and enjoyable our presentation was. 

All the venues during the Encampment were enjoyable for all who attended. The wives of those Brothers attending also joined in many of the extra activities that were open for them to attend with their husbands. The whole weekend was one of shared Brotherhood with a mix of family time. 

SUVCW Commander-in-Chief Tad Campbell, wife Rachelle, President ASUVCW and daughter Emelia.

SVR Breakfast

The Department of the Chesapeake deserves our thanks for their efforts in making the weekend both productive and enjoyable.

Additional photos of the Encampment, Richmond and the surrounding area will be posted on Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Fayetteville, NC Facebook.

Banner Recognition

North Carolina
Department Commander and Secretary/Treasurer
Recognized in Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 

Presenting a wreath in the Union soldiers section
Raleigh National Cemetery

Department of North Carolina, Dennis St. Andrew, DC and John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer were recognized for their participation in the Memorial Day ceremony at Raleigh National Cemetery. 

Refer to the inside front cover page of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War "BANNER"

150th Anniversary Battle of Bentonville, NC

Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 at Bentonville Battlefield

150th Battle of Bentonville 
March 21 & 22, 2015!

Confederate Fife & Drum

On during March 19-21,1885, at the Battle of Bentonville, North Carolina, Confederate General Joseph Johnston makes a desperate attempt to stop Union General William T. Sherman’s drive through the Carolinas in the Civil War’s last days; however, Johnston’s forces cannot stop the advance of Sherman’s mighty army.

Reenactment Battle Scene

The 150th Anniversary Battle of Bentonville reenactment was held at Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site on March 21-22, 2015.

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Brothers setup a booth during the Battle of Bentonville reenactment.

Brothers (L-R);
 Department Commander, Dennis St. Andrew,   Department and Camp Secretary/ Treasurer, John France, Ed Gibson and Camp Commander, Max Speers.

Department Commander, Dennis St. Andrew

An estimated 40,000 people were in attendance. Offering an opportunity to present the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War to all those in attendance.

Leaving the Field of Battle