Camp Vietnam Veterans Honored

“A Lasting Memento of the Nation's Thanks”

At the Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1 April 14th Meeting, all Brothers of the Ruger Camp having served in the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War period were honored for their service.

Sister Carol Jutte, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War (DUVCW) and Regent of the Brunswick Town Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented all Vietnam Veterans in attendance with a special certificate and lapel pin honoring their service during the Vietnam War. 

Mayme Tubbs, wife of Brother Bill Tubbs and Regent with the Colonel Thomas Robeson Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, assisted Sister Carol Jutte during the award ceremony.

The United States of America Vietnam Commemoration is providing Vietnam Veteran Certificates and Lapel Pins to Commemorative Partners for presentation to living U.S. military veterans who served during the Vietnam War period, as a lasting memento of our nation's thanks. 

Brothers of Ruger Camp #1 Recognized

Bishop, Richard D.
Champion Sr., Darl H.
Elwell, Douglas P. *
Fields, Roy L.
Hutchison, Harvey C.
Norris, Joel R.
Small Jr., Wendell G.
Speers, Max *
St. Andrew, Dennis *
Tubbs. William*

* Receiving their awards during the Camp Meeting are Brothers; Dennis St. Andrew, Max Speers, Doug Elwell and Bill Tubbs.

Those Ruger Camp #1 Vietnam veterans not present were honored with the reading of their names aloud during the Camp presentation ceremony. Each Brother will receive a certificate and lapel pins mailed to their home residence.

Sister Carol Jutte's Presentation Speech

“The Brunswick Town Chapter, National Society Daughters of the
American Revolution is a Vietnam War Commemorative Partner. The Commemoration’s primary mission, as penned by Congress, is to thank and honor our Vietnam veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice on behalf of our nation.

Since the birth of the United States, no single generation of Americans has been spared the responsibility of defending freedom by force of arms. More than forty-four million American men and women have sacrificed and served during time of war, many here are counted among them. Your collective service and individual sacrifices have safeguarded the cherished concepts embodied in our Constitution. Whether deployed in harm’s way, while watching over your buddies as they watched over you, or when training and serving at home station… you all sacrificed.

Our county, our families and our children owe you a debt of gratitude. No distinction is being made between veterans who served in-country, in-theater or who were stationed elsewhere during the Vietnam War period. All were called to serve and the overwhelming majority served honorably and admirably.

We thank and honor the United States military veterans who served during the Vietnam War period in the U.S. Armed Forces during November 1,1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location.

Today, the Brunswick Town Chapter presents each of you with a certificate and a lapel pin in recognition of your valor, service and sacrifice during the Vietnam War.”

Carol A. Jutte
Regent, Brunswick Town Chapter - National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Sister, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War

The Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1 wishes to thank Sister Carol Jutte, and husband Brother Jim Johnson - Senior Vice-Commander, for arranging this special ceremony honoring our Vietnam Veterans.

153rd Annual Battle Commemoration

Fort Fisher
January 13, 2018
153rd Annual Battle Commemoration
Saturday, 9 am - 4 pm

Fort Fisher's 153rd anniversary commemoration focused on telling the stories of those who displayed bravery and valor during their actions at Fort Fisher. Open to the public, the program was held 9 am to 4 pm.

Brothers of Ruger Camp #1 present included: Frank Newhouse – Chaplain, John France -Secretary /Treasurer, Ed Gibson – Camp Commander, Jim Johnson – SVC, Carol Jutte – DUVCW, Harvey Hutchison, Max Speers - PCC, Council Member, Dennis St. Andrew PDC – Commander, Department of North Carolina

The Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1 as present. This is the seventh year of participation by the Brothers of the Ruger Camp #1. The Camp set up and staffed an information tent on the grounds of Fort Fisher just in front of the Fort. Throughout the day, visitors strolled the grounds enjoying the day and the activities. The Ruger Camp tent was busy all day with families stopping by to view our displays of artifacts and personal memorabilia. We also distributed literature and general information concerning the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. One potential new member filled out an application for membership to the Ruger Camp.

 During the day, reenactors were present simulating daily life at the fort. Infantry units were on hand to talk with visitors about camp life, garrison duty and conducting the manual of arms during firing demonstrations. Artillery units conducted drills and firing demonstrations consisting of the Historic Site's Rifled and Banded 32-pound cannon, the Site's bronze 12-pound Napoleon cannon, and a 10-pound Parrott Rifle. Authentic 19th Century music, as provided by Masonboro Parlor group directly across from our tent adding to the festive atmosphere of the day.

Wreaths Across America - 2017

Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery

Wreaths Across America

Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1 had sponsors for 27 wreaths donated this year. All were delivered to the estimated 1,000 people in attendance at the annual Wreaths Across America event honoring American veterans on Saturday afternoon at the Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery in Spring Lake.

“Remember. Honor. Teach” is the mission of Wreaths Across America.  Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2007 by Morrill Worcester. Since its first humble beginnings, this year 1.2 million wreaths were placed on markers across the country in 1,238 locations.

The Sandhills event started with the posting of the colors by the Terry Sanford High School JROTC, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by attending children and their parents. The ceremony included the singing of the National Anthem. Guest speakers were present to speak, participate and hear the playing of taps by a member of Rolling Thunder. A little more than 2,000 wreaths were placed on graves throughout the cemetery.

This was the first year for Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1 participation. Following our humble start with 27 wreaths, sponsored through the Camp’s program, we plan to continue to support this worthy cause again in 2018.

Wilmington National Cemetery

Brother Jim Johnson SVC, Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1, Department of NC, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, with his wife Carol Jutte, Daughter of Union Veteran of the Civil War, Tent #91, Department of Ohio, both participated in the distribution and laying of holiday wreaths at The National Cemetery in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Carol is not only a DUVCW but also an active member of the DAR, Colonial Dames XVIIC and Daughter of 1812, all of
which help to organize Wreaths Across America at Wilmington’s National Cemetery. Brother Jim organized the Major General Thomas H Ruger Camp #1, Wreaths Across America project this year. Sponsors donated 27 wreaths to be place on the grave sites at the Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery in Spring Lake, NC, just outside of the Fort Bragg Army Base near Fayetteville, NC. A humble start with great potential.

Fort Fisher January 14, 2017

Fort Fisher was a Confederate fort during the American Civil War. It protected the vital trading routes of the port at Wilmington, North Carolina, from 1861 until its capture by the Union in 1865.

January 14, 2017
Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, participating at the 152nd Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Fisher.

Brothers: Max Speers - PCC, Dennis St. Andrew - PCC, PDC, Jim Crabtree, Ed Gibson - CC, Harvey Hutchison, John France - and Jim Johnson.
Assisted by: Heidi Crabtree, Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Carol Jutte, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War & Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

Brothers of Ruger Camp #1 wishes to extend a special thank you to the ladies of the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans and  Daughters of Union Veterans for their support .

Memorial Day Activities 2016

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Brothers Ed Gibson and Jim Johnson participated in the Memorial Day Program at Wilmington National Cemetery on May 30, 2016. 

The Ruger Camp #1 wreath was placed at the central flag pole in honor of all military heroes from all branches of the US Armed Forces. 

The names of 634 local armed forces personal who had past since last Memorial Day 2015 were read out-loud during the ceremony.  

A visit was also made to the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington to honor additional war heroes.

At the cemeteries a total of four graves were individually honored with roses placed on each headstone. 

At the Wilmington National Cemetery Brother Ed Gibson’s father, SGT Elwood Watson Gibson USMC, was honored for his service in Vietnam.

In the Oakdale Cemetery, William Broughton, a North Carolinian who serviced in the Union army during the Civil War was also honored.

Sargent William Broughton was an Englishman who served with a Union Virginia Regiment and died in Wilmington in April 1865.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead... have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

A. Lincoln
November 19, 1863

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 participated in recognizing Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) cadets at various high schools in our area.

Camp and Departments of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, through the ROTC program, are encouraged to participate in recognizing deserving cadets. Such participation is voluntary and includes the awarding of certificates of recognition and the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War JROTC Medal with Bar.

Our definition of a deserving cadet is one that “shows a high degree of patriotism to his/her Nation and has demonstrated a high degree of academic performance and leadership. Camps and Departments are encouraged to work with their local  JROTC units in determining any additional requirements that may be used to determine a “deserving cadet.”

2016 Area High Schools with Honored Cadets:
Cape Fear High School, Central Cabarrus, Surry Central High School, E.E. Smith High School, Lumberton Senior High School, North Brunswick High School, Pinecrest High School, Seventy-First High School, South Brunswick High School, Southview High School, Terry Sanford High School, Union Pines High School, West Brunswick High School, Westover High School.

Presentations were made by Ruger Camp #1 Brothers:

James Crabtree

Gerard Devine

Jim Johnson

Pattric Patterson

Wendell Small Jr.

Max Speers

A special thank you is extended to all those Ruger Camp #1 Brothers who assisted in making these awards and medal presentations possible. 

9th Annual Department of North Carolina Encampment

The 9th Annual Department of North Carolina Encampment was held on 7 May 2016. 

The Encampment was co-hosted by Ruger Camp #1 and North Carolina Union Volunteers #5 and held at Fort Fisher National Historical Landmark at Kure Beach, NC. 

Twenty-One Brothers of the SUVCW Attended

We were honored to have Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Commander-in-Chief Eugene G. Mortorff and Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day in attendance.

Commander-in-Chief Eugene G. Mortorff

Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day

For a view the 2016 Encampment Photo Album go to the Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Facebook.