Camp and Departments of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, through the ROTC program, are encouraged to participate in recognizing deserving cadets. Such participation is voluntary and includes the awarding of certificates of recognition and the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War JROTC Medal with Bar.
Our definition of a deserving cadet is one that “shows a high degree of patriotism to his/her Nation and has demonstrated a high degree of academic performance and leadership. Camps and Departments are encouraged to work with their local JROTC units in determining any additional requirements that may be used to determine a “deserving cadet.”
2016 Area High Schools with Honored Cadets:
Cape Fear High School, Central Cabarrus, Surry Central High School, E.E. Smith High School, Lumberton Senior High School, North Brunswick High School, Pinecrest High School, Seventy-First High School, South Brunswick High School, Southview High School, Terry Sanford High School, Union Pines High School, West Brunswick High School, Westover High School.
Presentations were made by Ruger Camp #1 Brothers:
• James Crabtree
• Gerard Devine
• Jim Johnson
• Pattric Patterson
• Wendell Small Jr.
• Max Speers
A special thank you is extended to all those Ruger Camp #1 Brothers who assisted in making these awards and medal presentations possible.